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Spring Boot 3.0 For Beginners
Before you start
Quick work from your instructor (2:43)
Introduction to Spring framework and Spring boot
What is spring & spring boot (2:44)
Why you should learn Spring framework (3:02)
Spring architecture
Data access module (1:34)
Web module (1:00)
AOP - Aspect - Messaging - Instrumentation (1:36)
Test module (0:30)
Git & GitHub
1-what is git (1:57)
2-why you should have a github account (3:16)
Project Overview
Application overview (2:46)
Bootstrap the application
Project structure - explained (8:43)
Ceate a new spring boot project (4:32)
Start the application (2:45)
Sdd an index.html file and display hello world (1:39)
Create a new GitHub repository (2:19)
Git commit, Git push (7:05)
Building a sample REST API
What is a REST API? (3:03)
Create Student controller (5:19)
Test with the browser (1:05)
Git commit, Git push using Intellij (2:45)
Service Layer
Create the student class (2:45)
Expose the Find All students endpoint and test the changes (2:26)
Create StudentService class (1:43)
Refactor the code (0:55)
Display the students list (2:10)
Understand the Dependency Injection (DI) (7:53)
Git commit, Git push (0:48)
Data Access Object (DAO) Layer
Extend the student repository (2:31)
Create student service interface and refactor the code (3:38)
Implement the InMemoryStudentDao (7:06)
Inject the DAO in the service (1:57)
Add CRUD endpoints to the controller (7:32)
Test the API (8:25)
How spring dispatches the requests? (5:05)
Git commit, Git push (0:44)
Connect to a database
Add the spring-data-jpa dependency (2:55)
Add the database connection properties and connect (6:56)
Transform student to an Entity (6:04)
Understand the Jpa repository hierarchy and create the student repository (3:02)
Implement DBStudentService (5:08)
Change DI for student service (5:03)
Test the API (3:52)
What comes next?
Next step! (1:19)
Test module
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