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Microservices course

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Microservices course

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    Course description

    Learning Spring Boot and MongoDB can be extremely valuable for students looking to gain skills in modern web development and data storage.

    Here is why you need to learn and master these two technologies

    1. Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java-based web applications. It makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications that you can "just run". This means that you can quickly get up and running with a new project and start building their application without having to spend time on configuration.
    2. MongoDB is a leading NoSQL database that is widely used in modern web applications. It is a flexible, scalable, and high-performance database that can handle large amounts of data. By learning MongoDB, you will be able to build applications that can store and manage large amounts of data efficiently.
    3. Together, Spring Boot and MongoDB form a powerful stack for building modern web applications. By learning both technologies, students will be able to build full-stack applications that can handle both the front-end and back-end aspects of web development.
    4. There is high demand for developers with skills in Spring Boot and MongoDB. Companies of all sizes are looking for developers who can build modern web applications using these technologies, so learning them can open up new career opportunities for students.

    Overall, learning Spring Boot and MongoDB can be a great investment for students looking to gain valuable skills in modern web development and data storage.

    By purchasing a course on these technologies, you can learn from experienced instructor and get the support and guidance you need to succeed.

    Hi, I’m Ali Bouali - {Alibou}

    Since embarking on my software development journey in 2011, I have had the privilege of working on a wide array of projects for various companies. This diverse experience has enabled me to acquire proficiency in numerous technologies, including Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, AWS, and more. The expertise I have cultivated over the years has been instrumental in propelling me to the level of a senior software engineer.

    As a developer, my unrelenting drive to excel stems from my fascination with the seamless interoperability of diverse programming languages within a single ecosystem, despite their fundamental differences. In essence, it is the synergy of the technical stack that truly captivates me. The ever-evolving landscape of software development fuels my passion for learning new technologies and continually expanding my skillset.

    Having accrued years of valuable knowledge and experience, I felt compelled to share my insights with others. Thus, I established a YouTube channel and a personal website, through which I publish informative videos and courses aimed at empowering fellow developers to enhance their expertise and proficiency in software development.

    Example Curriculum

      Source code
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      Introduction to MongoDB
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      Prepare the Mongo environment
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      Mongo terms
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      Bootstrapping the application
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      CRUD operations
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      DBRef and Collections relationships
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      Open Api integration
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      Documents queries and Mongo template
    Available in days
    days after you enroll
      Query methods
    Available in days
    days after you enroll

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    How long will I have access to the course materials? Do they expire?

    Once enrolled in the course, you will have indefinite access to the materials. They do not expire, and there is no time limit. You can revisit the lessons as often as you like, and the platform will track your progress, allowing you to resume where you left off at any time.

    Is support provided?

    Absolutely! I personally handle support inquiries via email. Please feel free to reach out and ask questions.

    What if I am dissatisfied with the course? Can I request a refund?

    That's absolutely fine, of course. If the material doesn't work for you, definitely get in touch within 30 days and you'll get a full refund for any single course package. It's all documented in the refund policy here.

    Are there any prerequisites for this course?

    Before going through this course, you do need a basic understanding of Java as well as Spring. The material is focused on Spring Data MongoDB.